Everyone is looking at different ways to cut their expenses. Lowering your auto insurance premiums is one way you can save money. From advance payments to good driver discounts, continue reading to find ways to reduce car insurance costs. Choose the Be ...
How Does Mileage Affect Car Insurance?
The average amount of miles you drive per year is one of the main factors determining your car insurance quote. For example, your rates might be lower if you don't always drive to work and no longer commute because those who drive less often have a lower ...
Auto Insurance Applications Mistakes To Avoid
Information can get lost in your mind if you're filling out auto insurance applications. Whether you are switching auto insurance companies or buying a new auto insurance policy, you must provide all the required information and be honest when applying so ...
How Do Vehicle Safety Ratings Affect Insurance Rates?
Your driving record, your age, the type of vehicle you drive, and even your credit rating will determine what you will pay for car insurance. Insurance companies also consider the safety ratings of your car when determining your auto insurance premiums. ...
How To Get Zero Deductible Car Insurance
While your insurer covers the rest, you must pay a deductible when filing a claim with a standard car insurance policy. Zero-deductible car insurance is an option for policyholders who don't care about higher premiums to ensure they're fully covered in an ...
How Long Does A DUI Impact Your Insurance
DUI convictions can have a significant impact on your insurance rates. How long the conviction affects your insurance rates will depend on the insurance company and your state. Here's what you need to know about DUI and car insurance. Understanding The L ...
Requesting An Accident Report
If you're in a car accident, it's vital to request an accident report from the police. This document will provide key information about the incident if you want to file insurance claims and other legal proceedings. Here's how to request an accident report ...
How Credit Score Can Affect Auto Insurance Premium
There are many factors to consider when getting auto insurance, but one of the most important is your credit score. So, if you have a very low credit score, you may find it difficult to get cheap auto insurance. Here, we'll walk you through some key detai ...
How Credit Score Can Affect Auto Insurance Premium
There are many factors to consider when getting auto insurance, but one of the most important is your credit score. So, if you have a very low credit score, you may find it difficult to get cheap auto insurance. Here, we'll walk you through some key detai ...
Filing Your Auto Insurance Claims
Imagine driving on your way to work, and out of the blues, your car is hit by an overspeeding car from behind. Tragic, to say the least. Nobody plans for this, but it can happen. While we cannot always perfectly prepare ahead for life's many uncertainties ...