Auto Insurance Applications Mistakes To Avoid

Information can get lost in your mind if you’re filling out auto insurance applications. Whether you are switching auto insurance companies or buying a new auto insurance policy, you must provide all the required information and be honest when applying so that you’re covered if an accident occurs. Here are some common mistakes people make when filling out an auto insurance application.

Not Listing All Drivers
You must list everyone driving your car on your auto insurance policy. Many people omit their teenage driver, spouse, or adult driver from their policy because of their poor driving record. You must include them in your application to ensure they are covered or risk paying higher premiums.

Not Listing the Car’s actual Parking Location.
Your car location determines your rates. Cars parked in the street are more prone to vandalize when compared to sheltered cars. Failing to report your car’s location could jeopardize your coverage and affect your auto insurance quotes.

Omitting Driving Infractions
Failing to report your accident history could hurt you when the accident wasn’t your fault or done by another driver listed on your policy. It’s best to report every bit of your driving history, so you don’t get caught in a lie, whether it was intentional or not.

Not Mentioning Business Travel
You may need commercial auto insurance coverage rather than a standard one if you use your insured car for business purposes. If you don’t let your auto insurance company know that you’re using your car for business trips, they may cancel your policy or refuse to provide coverage after an accident.

Not Updating Your Policy
Are you getting married and letting your spouse drives your car? Are you moving to another part of the city? Not reporting these changes in your life to your insurance company can affect your coverage.

If you think you have given incomplete or inaccurate information on your application, contact your insurance company to update your policy.