Many drivers don’t know how to compare car insurance except by looking at the listed price. And while that’s certainly one way to go about comparing the different options, it certainly isn’t the only option available.
There’s nothing wrong with comparing based on price, but you won’t get the best car insurance unless you know what you can change to make your coverage better or cheaper. There’s always something that can be done to make get you a price point that works best for your budget and based on your income.
Use our tool to compare car insurance quotes from different companies. It only takes about 10 minutes, and you’ll be able to see side-by-side quotes from top carriers free.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to effectively compare car insurance quotes and coverage options.
- Compare car insurance companies. In doing so you’ll be able to find what company works best for you. This is similar to how you would compare the price brackets of different companies, but you want to see what other features they have as well, such as perks they might offer and other discounts available.
- Gather up-to-date information. If you’re going off outdated information, then you might end up shooting yourself in the foot because you won’t be able to base your decision off the most informed information you can get. It might show you that one policy is more expensive than the other, for instance, when that’s no longer the case.
- Re-evaluate your coverages and limits. Look at your existing car insurance to see if your coverage and limits are accurate. If you’ve since gotten rid of a car that’s still listed on your account, for example, then you can remove that and will end up saving money.
- Compare deductibles. Don’t only look at the costs of premiums, but check what the different deductibles are for each plan. You may be paying a lower premium, but if you have a high deductible, you’ll be paying that premium for a longer period of time.
- Look for big discount potential. Some plans offer discounts for signing up as a perk. Look into this so you don’t miss out on potential savings.
- Compare payment options. As stated above, it’s an important thing to do but it isn’t the only thing to do!
- Read the fine print. As with any sort of relationship you enter into with a loan company or in a purchasing process, you’ll want to make sure you read all the term and conditions, lest you get caught off guard with an unexpected fine.