
How High-Risk Drivers Can Save Money on Car Insurance

High-risk drivers have marks on their driving record, like multiple traffic violations, accidents, or major infractions such as DUIs. Getting car insurance can be expensive for high-risk drivers because insurance companies view these drivers as more likely to file a claim, leading to higher rates. Fortunately, there are steps you can take as a high-risk driver to reduce your premiums and save money on your car insurance.

Shopping around and Comparing quote
If you’re a high-risk driver, shopping around and comparing quotes from multiple insurers can save you money on your premium. However, remember that the cheapest car insurance policy may not be the best option when shopping around. You must go through the fine print and ensure that the policy provides adequate coverage for their needs.

Raise your Insurance Deductible
A deductible is an amount you pay out of pocket after an accident before your insurance company kicks in. Raising your deductible may seem counterintuitive if you’re looking to reduce the cost of car insurance, but it’s a smart strategy for high-risk drivers. Increasing the amount you are willing to pay out of pocket will reduce your monthly payments and make car insurance more affordable.

Take a Defensive Driving Class
Defensive driving classes teach drivers safe driving techniques that help reduce the risk of traffic violations and prevent accidents. Many insurance companies believe that drivers who take these courses are more likely to drive safely and avoid accidents. Therefore, taking a defensive driving class will improve your driving skills and save you money on insurance premiums.

Keep your Driving Record Clean
A clean driving record is one way to demonstrate to your insurers that you are a responsible driver. To maintain a clean record, you must follow all traffic laws, avoid distracted driving, and take additional precautions to stay safe on the road.

While you may face higher car insurance premiums as a high-risk driver, you can still save money on your policy by following the tips above.