Many insurance companies use your credit score to determine whether to accept you as a policyholder and the rate you'll pay. While credit score is only one of many elements that influence your rate, it can determine your premium. So how does your credit s ...
Does Credit Score Affect Home Insurance?
Your credit score is crucial for many reasons. It can influence your ability to rent an apartment, get a loan, or even get a job. So, the big question is, do credit scores affect home insurance? The answer is yes; credit score can affect your home insuran ...
5 Things In Your Credit Report You’ve Got To Know About
How much do you know about what’s in your credit report? Many people may be aware of their score and might know the numerical breakdown—especially if they've been looking into getting loans or applying for a home mortgage recently—but there are components ...
How to Keep Your Credit In Check
Many consumers are concerned with their credit score, and rightfully so. Having a good credit score and history is a big deal for Americans, and if you are struggling with keeping up it can cost you a lot of money. Almost 30% of Americans have poor or bad ...
Where To Find Your Credit Report For Free
When it comes to your financial health, it is of the utmost importance to have a clear understanding of the information in your credit report. Many people don’t think about it unless they’re applying for financing, but it’s important to check your credit ...