Many people are afraid to apply for a credit card because they have no credit history. It is beneficial to keep in mind that you can still apply for a credit card even with no credit history. The downside is that your options will be limited. Credit histo ...
Do You Need to Apply For a Credit Card?
At one point in your life, you may start to consider applying for a credit card. Many college students start to receive credit card applications and aren’t exactly sure if they need one. Most people firmly believe that having a credit card is a necessary ...
Common Credit Card Questions People Wonder About
No matter how much information is out there about credit cards, there still seems to be many unanswered questions people have about them. Especially for younger folks who are taking out their first credit card in an effort to raise their credit score. Wit ...
How to Avoid Interest Charges on your Credit Card
Americans owe a ton of money in credit card debt, about $1 trillion to be exact, according to Federal Reserve Data. Reportedly, the average credit card interest rate is also at an all-time high at slightly more than 16%. When it comes to credit cards, ...