Lying to your insurance agent to save a few amounts of money on home insurance is a bad idea. However, if you lie about your insurance needs, it could cost more money than you expected. Here are home insurance areas where you shouldn’t lie or “forget” to tell your insurance agent.
A standard home insurance policy might protect you if you have a swimming pool. Still, your policy’s liability may not be sufficient to cover your financial expense or medical care. Therefore, you must tell your insurance agent that you have a pool in your house, so that will let you know what’s required to have you covered.
Certain dog breeds can lead to higher premiums for homeowners. While some carriers won’t insure your dog, others may increase your home insurance premium if your dog has a history of aggression. You could pay out of your pocket if you fail to tell your agent about your dog’s aggressiveness.
Not telling your insurer about luxury items you just purchased or lying about possessions you don’t have can result in denying coverage or claims. As a result, your home insurance policy could be dropped, and the authority may want to speak to you next.
Upgrading your house can be costly, and failing to tell your insurance agent about the changes could result in claim denial. Unfortunately, this means your home is underinsured and may have to cover that additional cost.